
Piano and Grand Piano Brands - Pianonvirittajat.net
Welcome to the page of piano brands! We have gathered some information we come across the instruments on this page. In the near future you will find here even more interesting information on many important and much manufactured piano and grand piano brands, but also on some classical handmade instruments that are true masterpieces.
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We tune all piano and grand piano brands, for example:
Hellas Pianos

Hellas-pianos and some grand pianos were manufactured from 1901 to year 2011. Of these the early models can easily compete in sound quality and overall quality with the bigger German brands.
The most popular model is Figaro (112 cm) and according to Matti also the best designed. Exact meter high "Tapiola" model can not of course sound as good but is a very good instrument for practicing. The "Helsinki" model is the flagship of Hellas. it is a total 131 cm high.
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Alexander Hermann Pianos

Alexander Hermann started business of building pianos in Sangerhausen, current day Germany, already in 1803. Building continued despite Sangerhausen ending up to Eastern side after WW2. After East Germany collapsed in 1990, also Alexander Herrmann works was finally closed after 187 years of manufacturing. Alexander Hermann pianos are known especially for their strong base sounds.
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Ibach Pianos and Grand Pianos

Johan Adolph Ibach started a piano and organ works in 1794 at Wuppertal, at the time part of German Beyenburg. As the production grew, Ibach built in 1817 a larger housing and factory complex to develop and manufacture instruments. Ibach instruments were at the time already known for their beautiful deep dark tone of sound. Product development was active and due to strong sales efforts brand developed to be the largest Prussian manufacturer by 1850s. The family owned factory continued building pianos and expanded to become World wide brand by the turn of the 20th century.
After the turn of the century gramophone and radio started to gain in time consumption the then dominant music instruments. Decline was intensified by a horseless carriage appearing to replace the earlier status symbol grand piano. However, the temporary decline was halted after the WW2. Especially 1960s and 1970s were two decades of success for Ibach. In 1980s, after the wide decline of the industry started again, Ibach allied with Daewoo of South Korea. Even with this arrangement, the piano building could not be saved. Last five workers built the last Ibach pianos in 2007 before the works were permanently closed. By then Ibach had became the longest operating piano works in the World.
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Kawai Pianos
Kawai piano factory was established by en ex. Yamaha worker Koichi Kawai in 1927. He actually built the production facilities right next to Yamaha! Today Kawai has manufactured well over 2 million acoustic pianos and grand pianos. Hellas-musiikki imported these to Finland, so this is quite a common instrument here. The quality of Kawai instruments is comparable to Yamaha, and prices slightly lower. Excellent instruments, though the excessive use of plastic parts can be a little bit worrying to a professional piano tuner.
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Knight Pianos

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J. G. Malmsjös Pianofabrik

Malmsjös Pianofabrik is one of two large Swedish brands (the other being Svenska Pianofabriken AB). Many instruments were exported outside Sweden and found their home in other Nordic countries. Malmsjö operations started in 1843 in Gothenburg, Sweden, where Johan Gustaf Malmsjön succeeded in selling two square pianos.
Like with many contemporaries Malmsjö started by studying cabinet making and was soon working for the instrument manufacturer Ekström in Malmö, Sweden. From there his road led to the most famous Nordic piano manufacturer of the time Anders Marchall of Copenhagen, Denmark. Malmsjö workedfor Marchall years 1938 through 1842. The above mentioned square pianos were proof for master's workmanship and quite significant to what was to follow next.

Malsjö started piano building workshop of his own back in Gothenburg and already within one year the works had to be moved to larger premises. From this start Malmjö's company grew yearly with around two workers. In 1850s production was typically one piano per week, in 1860s two and in 1870 production reached over three pianos per week. Square piano manufacturing as then classic were started in 1846 with grand pianos following soon after in 1849.
When Johan Malmsjö died in
1891, Alfred Ågren as manager of the workshops over the production while brother in law Vilhelm Seydel handled the rest. Malmsjö instruments received numerous awards in the latter part of 19th century including many first prizes. Since 1893 company also became the official royal piano maker. Malmsjö pianos were manufactured on Gothenburg until 1973.
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Pianofortefabrik W. Neuhaus Söhne
W. Neuhaus Söhne manufactured instruments with carefully adapted exteriors to match their surroundings.
Wilhelm Neuhaus was born in 1800 Haaren, Holland. He soon learned the art of handcrafted piano building. In 1833 Wilhelm moved to Kalkar in today's Germany and settled to establish a family and started piano building business there in 1840. Building continued all the way to colonial wars of 1919.
Each one of the W. Neuhaus Söhne pianos is unique, even though standard parts were also used in building. |
Many interesting designs included the curved piano above! Instrument was manufactured by W. Neuhaus Söhne in 1882. It is 180 x 175 x 70 cm. Under the spruce tree exterior is hidden a rounded mechanism. Keyboard with 88 keys is carved out of bone and spans 145 cm. It starts with sub contra a and highest key is C5. The model was also patented which might explain why no other pianos like it were ever manufactured.
Neuhaus pianos were displayed in many larger German cities like Duisburg, Bochum, Cologne and Berlin. Once they had studied their father's profession Wilhelm's sons manufactured pianos for W. Neuhaus & Söhne in Duisburg, Bochum and Berlin. Now, the ergonomic rounded piano design is going to be manufactured again, 135 years after in was first designed!
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Petrof Pianos and Grand Pianos
Young Antonín Petrof arrived to Vienna, Austria in 1857 to learn and master piano building. By 1864 his skills had progressed so that he could establish his own piano building business. Next year Antonín improved his fathers joinery works to suit better for the needs of developing piano building. As the business grew Petrof moved his works near Brno in the today's Czech Republic. In 1884 an own saw mill was taken into use and in 1894 the Petrof's started exporting their instruments. In 1915 Antonín and his wife Marie died and it was up to the second generation's three children turn to take lead in the company. The import business expanded gradually to wordwide mode. Another milestone was a joint venture started between Petrof and Steinway in London in 1928.
1948 brought a total shock: situated in the Eastern Europe the company was nationalized. However the Petrof name was kept and the manufacturing continued. Now it was also time to use the same framework for all Petrof, Weinbach, Rösler and Scholze. From 1950s to 1980s thousands of these brand's pianos were imported to Finland. The dark and deep tone of these instruments is exceptional and the pianos also have the most beautiful bass tones.
As the Eastern block collapsed in 1991 the fourth generation of Petrofs could re-establish their business. Today Petrof also owns Weinbach and the two less expensive brands Rösler and Scholze. These newer Petrof and Weinbach pianos have been imported to Finland in small numbers through 1990s to current day.
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Riga Pianos
Riga pianos are among the most inexpensive, prices starting sometimes from 50 euros for used samples. This was the piano manufactured in Soviet Union, and though it may be cheap to acquire it might also turn out to be a very difficult instrument to maintain and keep tuned. If you do not yet own one, even for practicing we recommend for safetys sake another more quality oriented brand.
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Rönisch Pianos
East German Rönisch and Zimmermann pianos were imported to Finland in thousands between the 1950s and 1980s. Both pianos were manufactured in the same factory. Their price was inexpensive and the price per quality very good. Especially the instruments from the 1970 and 1980s are excellent for practicing and have relatively few defects. Of the brands C. Bechstein bought Zimmermann in 1992 and the Rönisch as well is today privately owned. After the reunification of Germany hardly any new instruments have not been sold in Finland.
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A member of the Finnish Piano Tuners guild

Professional tuner at your service, with 30 years of expertise
Matti Rassi
0500 - 445 917

Espoo, Kauniainen, Kirkkonummi, Helsinki, Vantaa, Vihti
F-Music authorised piano and grand piano expert


Ivory used occasionally on the piano keys is a natural product and thus subjected to the yellowness with age. Ultraviolet light device, shown in the picture, is used to restore the white tone.



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Johann Kuhse, Dresden

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